Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 1

This is the first Mother's day of the year so far. Mother's Day in France is in June. Angie will be treated twice, which she deserves. The Bible study went well Thursday night. There were two who came, and we had a good study and fellowship. Friday, I spent getting paperwork done and doing some shopping. In the afternoon Angie, Andrew and I visited the jardin aux plantes, a plant garden here in Limoux. It was like a zoo for plants, with labels and information on all kinds of plants. There were two acres and we could have stayed all afternoon, but Andrew was not as interested as Angie and I. They had plants from all over, I think there were at least 10 different types of Roses alone. Saturday, I took the kids for a hike in the hills behind our house. They all really enjoy walking around and exploring. Lilia was facinated by the streams that had formed in all the crevices in the hills. They had formed from the three days of rain that we received. Services went well today. Had a nice restful afternoon, got some reading done, listened to the services at our sending church. Angie is preparing a lesson for the kids at this moment and then it is off to bed. I have attached pictures of us planting our strawberries and tomato plants. They look like they will survive the cold weather and snow. God bless, JASON

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