Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A Postal Experience

I have always heard that activities take more time in foreign coutries. I never really thought that would be true for France and "modern" nation. I went to the Post Office (la Poste) to mail our important papers for our visa. It was a special mail where you receive a signed letter that it has been delivered. I arrived at the post office, surveyed my surroundings, and went to an available cashier, who explained, (all in French remeber) that I needed to take a number. I took a number and sat down, my number was the next one called. I explained what I needed and she gave the neccessary paperwork to fil out and helped someone else while I was filling the papers out. The man she helped took a long time, and I could tell they were having trouble. He left and I approached and caught that the computers were not working. I waited for about twenty minutes then politely thanked her and said I would return later. Monday I return. I have my school books and Andrew in the stroller. I put the backpack on to get Andrew and his stroller up the stairs. I remember to get a ticket this time. A lady in front of me exchanged tickets with me because she was feeding the baby. Then another lady came in and asked to borrow a pen. I had to take the backpack off and put it on the stroller to dig out a pen for her, during which my number was called, so I ackwardly approach and hand her my paperwork. While waiting Andrew wants to get out, I get him out forgetting that the stroller has the backpack full of books hanging from the handles, so when I remove him the stroller begins to fall backwards. I quickly put my foot on it to keep it from falling and stand like that until our transaction is complete. Then as I leave the lady is waiting to return my pen. I let go of the stroller to take her pen and the stroller falls back all the way to the ground. So I'm trying to put the pen back in, pick the stroller up, while holding Andrew. Thankfully after a few moments I was collected and on the way back to the house, one more task completed. JASON


mgribble said...

Souds like an iteresting trip to the post office. Great job at multi-tasking. Praying for you all!

Leland Acker said...

Mike, good to hear from you! Now go start a blog like everyone else so I can read up on what you're doing.

Jason, I'm just shocked that the French are friendly enough to return your pen. Most Texans forget to do that!

Oh, and post offices are slow in any country. Ever been to Rusk?

Bro. Matt said...

Oh, by the way Jason...how can I mail your pen back to you?

abainfrance said...

Matt, Sorry you have to bring it back in person, JASON

David Wang said...

It's nice that when someone borrows a pen from you, that they remember to return it after they are done using it. At work, we loose countless pens to customers who borrow them to fill out demographic and personal info and then either they just take the pens or we forget to get them back. I am really attached to my pen, and if it's out of my sight/hand for a few seconds, then I start to panic, because I cannot work without a pen.