Sunday, February 10, 2008

A dance.

There are several things here that are well orchestrated, like a dance. First is the sidewalks. Many people use walking as their form of transportation, so sidewalks have their rush hours as well. At times they are crowded and it is neat just to see the way people navigate the sidewalks, they seem to know by instict who will dodge or not, who is coming up behind them to pass. It justs looks neat to notice it. Another interesting thing is the airplanes. We are right between Orly airport, the second largest in Paris, and an Airforce base. On clear days you can see many planes in the sky. Yesterday I counted 7 at one time. It is interesting to see them navigate through the sky, I imagine the Air Traffic controllers are busy. We meanwhile are trying to balance our schedule as well, between school, kids, and ministry; Part of our ministry is schooling and our children.

In other thoughts, Angie had a slip of the tongue that was funny. Caleb was about to lick the lemonade pitcher and Angie got on to him. He said, "but I didn't do it". Angie fires back, "just because you don't do something, doesn't mean you shouldn't do it." I caught it first, it was funny.

Thanks to our pastor, (mom and dad) for representing us when we were away. Attached is picture of Mom by our display at a missions meeting. JASON


Sheff said...

Glad you are blogging! I look forward keeping up with you and your family!

Chris said...

Hey talked to your parents the other night. I am enjoying reading your blog, keep it up.

Anastacia Maness said...

Hi Jason, That's so funny Angie getting mixed up. I'm just waiting for her to post your tongue twisters. :)

abainfrance said...

I don't have any.