Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is very interesting. The architecture is amazing to me. The Eiffel Tower is relatively lightweight, creating a force of only 4.5kg/cm2 on the foundation. If you were to have a cylinder of air that would be large enough to encircle the eiffel tower, the Air would weigh more than the tower. It also affords a real nice view of Paris. If you are familiar with the Landscape you will be able to see the Arc de Triomph, Sacre Cœur, Notre Dame, Domes Des Invalides, and the Louvre. It stands at just over 1000 ft, including the antenna on top. It was built over 2 years originally to be torn down after standing for 20 years. During the world war the elevator cables were cut to force Hitler to have to climb the stairs to the top. Parts to fix it were "unable" to be found. Although 40 minutes after the Nazis withdrew it was up and working. Hitler never climbed it and only viewed it from the ground. Thus a popular saying that Hitler conquered France, but he did not conquer the Eiffel Tower. JASON

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