Monday, March 31, 2008

March almost behind us.

Bonjour à tous. Another month is almost behind us. It seems hard to believe that we have already been in France for three months. We will finish our first trimester of schooling in a couple of weeks as well. I am happy with our level of language learning so far. Not just French, but I am learning to comprehend a lot of English (England english) as well. God has blessed us these three months. Our mail goal for this first year and a half is to learn the language and culture of France. Focusing on that now will help the ministry considerable later. God has blessed with allowing us to have contacts as well that we are trying to win for Christ. I believe this is just a taste of what is to come during the next few years. We are also going to have a church organized here soon. I have been teaching Yvain and Virginie about various aspects of Church. They are already familiar with some aspects after attending church for about a year in the US, but it has been a good review for them. Since they have this knowledge already, I believe God is leading them organize, we picked late April for the organization. Gary Orr the pastor of the church they attend in the US will come for the service. It means a lot to them to have him here for this. Please pray for them as Satan will try to attack these young believers and the new church with strong efforts to try and hurt the further work of God here. Since there will be a local congregation for those saved to be added to, to follow God and become disciples and disciple makers themselves, I think God will bless with more souls saved. Join us in praying toward this goal.

March being finished is also signs of warmer weather and less rain. Yesterday we saw a rainbow in the sky, kind of significant for the end or March. God bless and thanks for the prayers. JASON

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