Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Carte de Sejour.

That is the name for the visa you receive for an extended stay in France. We renewed our student visa today. It is good for another year. Thankfully we didn't have to go through the whole process again. We only had to wait about 35 minutes, which is not bad. We showed our paperwork and paid and received our new carte de sejour. It is amazing how busy they are. The Paris area has a lot of immigrants and foreign students. The kids went over to a friends house and played, which made the process a lot better for Angie and I. It only took about 45 minutes to get to the Sousprefecture - where government business like Carte de Sejours are done. A bus, a train, and a 10 minute walk. We are both looking forward to getting out of the city where life is a little slower. We have enjoyed our time here. We will find out tomorrow how we did on our tests. I have no idea how well I did. Like I tell the other students when they get worried about the grades, we paid so they won't kick us out if we fail, and what is more important is learning to speak French. The thought of being able to share my faith in French has helped me to persevere. God bless, JASON

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