Tuesday, August 27, 2013


The past week just flew by.  On Monday I helped set up the Bible Exposition that they have every year at the church in Carcassonne.  I stayed for the morning and had a couple visitors stop by. They had a new Bible this year dated 1577.
Tuesday we helped our neighbjor.  It was an all day job.  We started at 8 am.We loaded up a moving van, our van, an several cars.  We had lunch together and then drove an hour and a half to unload (an apartment on the third floor with a spiral staircase).  It was almost eight in the evening when we got back.  I stll went and played a little basketball.
The kids wash the car.
Wednesday I met with the United Beach Mission that comes each year to Carcassonne to help with outreach. We distributed flyers that morning.  Wednesday afternoon we had a visit from our friends who had gotten back from vacation.  Thursday, I helped them move their daughter into another apartment which was a lot easier than the last move.  It was only our van full.  We enjoyed helping out our friends.  Thursday we played basketball again as well.  I hope all this is helping me get into shape.  
The market went well Friday morning.  Several from the United Beach Mission group came to help out.  I have some good coversations, partixulary with four Parisians who stopped by and knew little about God.  Saturday we had a conference in Carcassonne entitled "If  God exists, why is there so much suffering?"  Sunday afternoon we had another conference about evolution vs.  Creation.  
Arianna is "reading" in her bed.
This morning, I helped at the Bible Exposition.  This afternoon we had a couple of friends visit then I watched the kids while Angie went out with our visitors to look at a few apartments for Lauren. This evening we had guests over for supper and introduced them to honemade cheeseburgers, which was well received.  Tomorrow I hope to get a good start on end of the month stuff.  Because we have several other thigs going on.  riday Arianna has a appointment with a specialist for her legs. She has one that turns in significantly when she walks.  Saturday is her third birthday and so we will try to find a day this week for her party.  We will be leaving Saturday to drive to Rome for the missions retreat.  God bless, Jason

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