Monday, April 30, 2012

Theater and Sports

Arianna playing with her brothers outside.

Before the play starts.

You may have to click this picture to make it larger,
Caleb is wearing the red vest.

Caleb is stealing the ball, or getting it stolen, Micah
is in the background.

Things continue to go well.  We have had strange weather lately.  Friday I was able to go to the market, but the wind starting picking up.  Saturday it was full force and caused some damage in other parts of France.  I saw some video of planes landing in the strong wind west of us, and it was frightening just to watch.  There was a chance of rain all weekend long, but we did not get any.  Saturday I planted an little in our garden.  I had to pick and choose some items that would do well while we were gone and that would not give the fruit until we returned.   I planted some watermelons, onions, canteloupe, squash and chives.  I do not expect a big harvest because  I do not have a green thumb, but I enjoyed the work.  Angie was preparing for a ladies prayer meeting, so Arianna and I did the work ourselves.  Friday evening, Caleb was in a school play.  Now, this was not an ordinary school play.  The city spent in the neighborhood of 40,000 euros, and involved 500 students, live band and orchestra.  It started at 8:00 Friday night and didn't finish until 11:00. Thankfully we had gotten a babysitter for Arianna.  The play was about Jules Vedrine, an aviator who lived in the early 20th century.  He was the first to fly a plane at over 100 mph, and set several distance records.  He also is the first to land the plane on a roof of a building.  He was almost elected mayor of Limoux.  Caleb played two acting parts in the play and did a good job.  We hope to by the DVD eventually.  Sunday services were good, afterwards the boys had a basketball tournament.  They played with another team because there teammates were not there.  They did a good job, Caleb scored a couple of times.  I missed a great picture opportunity because our phone froze.  The boys had finished playing a game and came to meet us in the stands.  We noticed that they had left their water bottles and asked where they were. I looked down to the court were Micah was sitting with them, and no surprise, he had stacked one upside down on the other.  They looked so funny stacked like that, and it shows that Micah was not really paying attention when I wasn't his turn to play.  Arianna was well behaved at the tournament and even entertained others with her cuteness.  Today I am working on the monthly report.  Hope to have it done soon.  Tommorrow is a holiday and I am thinking of something fun to do with the boys.  God bless, JASON
Lilia helps out in the nursery Sunday Morning.

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