Monday, March 5, 2012

Horse riding in Limoux

Micah was not sacred to walk right up to the horse, must
be his Texas roots.

Caleb's turn.

We had a beautiful view looking over Limoux.

I took this picture a few weeks ago, when the snow had recently
started falling.  (this blogger does not suggest or support the use of a
cell phone to take pictures while driving in the snow)

The boys in the huddle with their teammates at their last game.
We had another good week.  The weather was lovely and we have had a lot of good contact with people.  I took the kids on Wednesday and on Saturday to see some horses.  Our friend, Philippe, teaches horseback riding and leads trail rides as well.  He is in the process of expanding.  We enjoyed hanging out with him and several of the kids got to ride.  We had a wonderful visit.  Micah missed out on most of it because he had a birthday party to go to, but he did get to come pet them some before we left.  This will be a little busier at lunch time for us.  Andrew will start a special time with the teacher (and a few other students) helping him work on his French.  He does well fo his age, but confuses the masuline and feminine of some words and mixes up some phrases.  Otherwise the week passed without incident.  On Wednesday I had a repair day for the kids bikes and scooters.  The boys are hard on them and they needed some maitenance.  We were able to ride bikes to the boys basketball practice.  Wednesdays (my "day off") usually end up being my busiest day of the week.  Angie got to visit with the neighbors for a couple of hours on Wednesday, and she took a few walks with the neighbor throughout last week.  Bible study was good on Thursday with four who came.  We are still going through the gospel of John.  I had some good contacts at the market on Friday morning, even with  some English people.  Services went good on Sunday in Carcassonne, we had lunch with the church and I stayed for their yearly business meeting.  We were unable to catch the services at our sending church because of internet connection problems.  Looking forward to this week.  I am finishing up travel plans for this summer and looking forward to spending time with friends and family in the States.    God bless, JASON

1 comment:

brycecanyonhorseback said...

Horseback riding trips are a great option in adventurous vacations that people enjoy.

Grand Canyon Horserides